
Server part + swing client + statistics


  1. Go to administration console of Glassfish. By default http://localhost:4848
  2. After log in at the left-hand menu, select “Applications”.
  3. Make sure that the application you are using do not install(Deploy) already exists in the list of installed.
  4. Then click on the “Deploy” button.
  5. Click on “Choose File” and select the ear file you thought down and unpacked from the zip file. It is called streamflow-x.x.ear.
  6. Click “Ok” in the top right corner or down the right corner. The button will be deactivated and displays the text “Processing”. It may take a few minutes before the application has been installed.
  7. When installation is complete, the list of installed applications will be displayed again.
  8. Now sign out again


  1. Go to manager application of Tomcat. By default http://localhost:8080/manager/html

  2. Unzip, unpack the ear file and grab the war files.

  3. Rename files with saving .war extension to:

    • streamflow-web to streamflow
    • streamflow-war to client
    • streamflow-statistic to statistic
  4. Make sure that the application you are using do not install(Deploy) already exists in the list of installed. If already some press Undeploy button

  5. Scroll down to Deploy section. Click on “Choose File” and select required war file and then click on the “Deploy” button.

  6. Click “Ok” in the top right corner or down the right corner. The button will be deactivated and displays the text “Processing”. It may take a few minutes before the application has been installed.

  7. When installation is complete, the list of installed applications will be displayed again.

  8. Now sign out again

DB Entity export

Starting version 1.29-beta3 there is new feature which allows to export all entities to relational DB system like Microsoft SQL only (for now)

  1. First launch should trigger reindex automatically. But if now call it manually with VisualVM
  2. After successful reindexing enable entity export. Example configuration can be found at SQL Export
  3. After needed to preform server restart.


If some problems occur refer to SQL Export Pitfalls section